translucent hand-blown glass votive candle holders


A nice glow revealing only the flame inside.


64 products

glassybabyalive again Sale price$60.00
allure, brown and gold, hand-blown glass votive candle holder allure brown and gold hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white dresser in front of a brick wall.
glassybabyallure Sale price$125.00
glassybabyautumn leaves Sale price$90.00
glassybabybelle Sale price$60.00
boho olive green bubble hand-blown glass votive candle holderboho olive green bubble hand-blown glass votive candle holder with a lit match above to light its tealight.
glassybabyboho Sale price$90.00
celebrate snow white hand-blown glass votive candle holdercelebrate, snow white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on dark reflective wood table.
glassybabycelebrate Sale price$60.00
glassybabychesapeake Sale price$90.00
glassybabyclover meadow Sale price$90.00
courage hand-blown mahogany red glass votive candle holder.several courage, translucent mahogany red, hand-blown glass votive candle holders lit with tealights on a light wood surface.
glassybabycourage Sale price$60.00
glassybabydance party Sale price$60.00
'daughter' purple hand-blown glass candle holder 'daughter' lit purple hand-blown glass candle holder on wood dresser. Photo of  mother and daughter in silver photo frame and flowers in white vase in background.
glassybabydaughter Sale price$60.00
deepbreath smokey grey, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.deepbreath smokey grey, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabydeep breath Sale price$60.00
diamond in the rough, light pink bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.diamond in the rough, light pink bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood bench, with yes and diamond in the rough blurred in background.
glassybabydiamond in the rough Sale price$90.00
diva metallic gold on deep pink hand-blown glass votive candle holderdiva metallic gold on deep pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with grace on kitchen table with coffee mugs blurred behind.
glassybabydiva Sale price$90.00
dream clear white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.large grouping of dream and cherish.  white hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a wood table.
glassybabydream Sale price$60.00
embrace white with petal, hand-blown glass votive candle holders.two embrace white with petal, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a table overlooking the sunset.
glassybabyembrace Sale price$90.00
glassybabyempress Sale price$60.00
evensong hand-blown green, blue and brown glass votive candle holder.evensong hand-blown green, blue and brown glass votive candle holder lit with a red flame on an outdoor mantle.
glassybabyevensong Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfirework Sale price$90.00
glassybabygrammy Sale price$60.00
gratitude, translucent teal green with silver luster, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. three gratitude, textured translucent teal green with silver luster, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on white shelf.
glassybabygratitude Sale price$90.00
glassybabyhidden gem Sale price$125.00
hide and seek autumn tone hand-blown glass votive candle holder.hide and seek autumn tone hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white marble with creme brulee.
glassybabyhide & seek Sale price$60.00
hyacinth amethyst hand-blown glass votive candle holdertwo hyacinth amethyst hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a marble countertop next to purple flowers.
glassybabyhyacinth Sale price$60.00
glassybabyI see you Sale price$125.00
glassybabyinner circle Sale price$90.00
glassybabykeep cool Sale price$60.00
kindness soft cream hand-blown glass votive candle holder.kindness soft cream hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood surface with white background and plant.
glassybabykindness Sale price$60.00
lady purple bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holderlady purple bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a circular marble living room table.
glassybabylady Sale price$90.00
glassybabylifeguard Sale price$60.00
living color hand-blown multicolored swirl, hand-blown glass votive candle holdermulti-colored blue, brown, yellow, red, purple, green swirl hand-blown glass votive candle holder sitting on a reflective table outside.
glassybabyliving color Sale price$90.00
love brick red hand-blown glass votive candle brick red hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with everlasting and amore on a coffee table with books and a dog in the background.
glassybabylove Sale price$60.00
Loyola Marymount glassybaby, red hand-blown glass votive candle holder with LMU logo hand-etched in white.
glassybabyLoyola Marymount Sale price$90.00
magnetic teal and white petal textured, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.magnetic teal and white petal textured, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white table with a chair and blanket in background.
glassybabymagnetic Sale price$90.00
glassybabymaster of the universe Sale price$90.00
Miami University, red with sandblasted Miami University etching hand painted in white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyMiami University Sale price$90.00
miracle golden pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder.miracle golden pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder on dark table with white curtains in background.
glassybabymiracle Sale price$125.00
ocean light blue translucent hand-blown glass votive candle holder.ocean light blue hand-blown glass votive candle holders with daffodil and cabo on a light wood surface.
glassybabyocean Sale price$60.00
#school_Oregon Oregon, University of Oregon green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.Oregon, green with sandblasted University of Oregon etching hand painted in yellow, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with evergreen on white and clear store table.
glassybabyOregon Sale price$90.00
glassybabypirouette Sale price$90.00
glassybabypoppy Sale price$60.00
glassybabyprima Sale price$90.00
princess soft pink hand-blown glass votive candle holderprincess soft pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder, on five well baby stand.
glassybabyprincess Sale price$60.00
glassybabyreflection Sale price$90.00
glassybabyrosebud Sale price$60.00
glassybabyrudolph Sale price$60.00
glassybabysassy Sale price$60.00
glassybabysnuggle Sale price$60.00
'son' blue hand-blown glass candle holder lit 'son' blue hand-blown glass candle holder on black book. Green plant in black pot behind it.
glassybabyson Sale price$60.00
stay gold amber topped with gold, hand-blown glass votive candle holderstay gold amber topped with gold, hand-blown glass votive candle holder atop a rustic wood table with blue pattern chair behind.
glassybabystay gold Sale price$90.00
delivery van with bow on top


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